Chronic Diseases in Rural America Chronic diseases are the leading causes of dea

Chronic Diseases in Rural America
Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in America, and they affect some populations more than others. People who live in rural areas, for example, are more likely than urban residents to die prematurely from all of the five leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke. These rural health disparities have many causes: (from (Links to an external site.))
Health Behaviors: Rural residents often have limited access to healthy foods and fewer opportunities to be physically active compared to their urban counterparts, which can lead to conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure. Rural residents also have higher rates of smoking, which increases the risk of many chronic diseases.
Health Care Access: Rural counties have fewer health care workers, specialists (such as cancer doctors), critical care units, emergency facilities, and transportation options. Residents are also more likely to be uninsured and to live farther away from health services.
Healthy Food Access: National and local studies suggest that residents of low-income, minority, and rural neighborhoods often have less access to supermarkets and healthy foods.
Demographic Characteristics: Residents of rural areas tend to be older, with lower incomes and less education than their urban counterparts. These factors are linked to poorer health.
After reading the text, viewing the videos, and reading the assigned articles/outlines in Assignments 13.1 and 13.2, answer the following:
According to the text, middle adults face a number of major health risks (e.g. heart disease, hypertension, cancer, etc.). Identify at least two health risks and provide a 250 word paragraph description for each, including the threat posed to middle aged adults, using your own words.
After reading the above article, what other health risks might be associated to living in rural America? (Do not include those mentioned in the article.) (Minimum 100 words)
Compare the opportunities for health care between a large city like Tulsa and a smaller city like Muskogee. (Minimum 100 words)
Compare the opportunities for health care between living in Muskogee or living in Warner. (Minimum 100 words)
What role(s) does poverty play in effecting the opportunities for health care in middle adulthood? (Minimum 100 words)

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