Chapter6, 8-12 Discussion Project For this assignment, you will have the freedom

Chapter6, 8-12 Discussion Project
For this assignment, you will have the freedom to explore chapters 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. After you have skimmed through them, choose one as your topic for this project. You will create a PowerPoint (6 slide minimum plus a title page) mini-project presentation on your topic of choice to include the following information:
Why did you choose this chapter? (5 points)
What are 5 essential terms to know regarding this chapter? (10 points)
What do you feel are the important highlights of the chosen chapter? (What do we need to know?) (10 points)
How does understanding this chapter help to strengthen the helper relationship with others? (10 points)
Include a video clip, meme, or article that captures and/or supports an important point of the chapter. Tell us how it helps illustrate/support the point you are making? (10 points)
You need to support any “opinions” expressed with citations or you will lose points.
You will post this PowerPoint on the discussion board and respond to 2 classmates’ posts. As part of your responses to classmates, I want you to “play devil’s advocate” and give an opposing view on one of the points discussed. Everyone has been influenced by different experiences in their lives which leads to different view points on the same topic. In a civil manner, give an example of how another person may view this “important view point” as the complete opposite opinion. Include experiences that could influence the opposite view point.
For example, your classmate may be explaining the value of drinking wine as part of a healthy lifestyle. You would explain how you don’t agree with the value of drinking wine as part of a health lifestyle because alcohol can lead to inhibition of senses, addiction, liver disease, drunk driving and/or death or perhaps it is against a religious belief. Give your details and support of the opposite opinion. It is important as a helper to always see both sides of the situation so, I want to challenge you to do that and “see the other side”. (20 points)
10 points – for creativity, thorough presentation, clarity of thought, grammar and meeting the minimum 6 PowerPoint slide requirement
Your original post should be at least 75 words per question asked and your peer responses should be at least 75 words.

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