Book Critique: 3 pages, double-space, TNR Font, Chicago Citation; Rubric provide

Book Critique: 3 pages, double-space, TNR Font, Chicago Citation; Rubric provided through Canvas. This assessment asks students to evaluate Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a seminal work of great impact on American society during the antebellum era. The student will also consider the book’s central themes, analyze the book’s characters, and the successes and/or failures of the author (Harriet Beecher Stowe) in producing what many considered a catalyst of war and what she considered a Christian calling, and a moral responsibility, to end slavery.
Introduction, Critique, Purpose:
Does the student offer an engaging introduction?
Does the student answer the following questions:
What is the purpose of the novel?
What is the author’s level of expertise? Or why, in your opinion, did the author write this novel?
What is your overall assessment of the novel?
Thesis and Content”
Does the student analyze the book’s central themes and clearly identify the central characters of the book?
Does the student summarize the content of the book?
Does the student include evidence/examples from the text? (use of quotations to explain points)
Does the student address the author’s success or failure in arguing her points of view?
Structure, Design, and Impact:
How, in your opinion, does the author explore the responses of the enslaved as either passive or active? In other words, does “Christianity produce sheepish passivity,” and which character(s) emit a sense of passive resistance, if at all? ~quotation, Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Battle for America by David S. Reynolds
What, in your opinion, is the lasting impact of Stowe’s work? Why is this novel relevant, or irrelevant, today?
Does the student identify what is good/best about this work?
Does the student identify perceived missteps by the author?
How did this fictional work impact your understanding of slavery in American society? If it did not contribute to your understanding, elaborate on why it failed to influence your understanding.
Relate to Abolitionist Thought”
How does this work contribute to the field of abolitionist viewpoints of the early-to-mid-19th century?
Does the student include evidence/examples from the text regarding Stowe’s abolitionist sentiments?
Does the student utilize outside sources to elaborate on abolitionist sentiments of the era?
GPF (Grammar; Punctuation; Flow); Citations and Style:
3-4 pages (approximately 1000-1200 words); TNR 12-point font; double-space narrative; standard 1-inch margins; title page and bibliography included;
Chicago/Turabian Style citation and formatting;
GPF Spectrum; utilization of outside sources
Please do in google docs if possible 🙂

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