below listed cyber security tools and methodology. Please breakdown all tools an

below listed cyber security tools and methodology. Please breakdown all tools and how it works and all features of each tool. Please cover features of each tools. Explain the each tool and features of each tool as you are giving explanation to interviewer.
1. HP Web Inspect
●2. OWASP Top 10
● 3.Vulnerability Assessment
●4. Paros Proxy
● 5.Live HTTP Header
●6. Tamper data
●7. Burp Suite
9*HP Fortify
10*Windows XP, PHP
12*ZAP a vulnerability scanner
●13 Web ScarabDirBuster
14● Sqlmap
15● Nikto
16● Metasploit
● 17Kali Linux
18● Qualys
●19 Tenable network security.
20*Web scarab
22*IBM AppScan
*23 MS SQL

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