Be sure to study Chapter 9 to do this exercise. You will be creating a database

Be sure to study Chapter 9 to do this exercise. You will be creating a database schema which means there will be tables to represent the date in TopText Publishing. What other concepts do you have to consider in creating the DBMS?
Use Microsoft Access to create a DBMS for the imaginary company called TopText Publishing. Add several sample records to each table.
TopText Publishing is a textbook publishing company with a headquarters location, a warehouse, and three sales offices that each has a sales manager and sales reps. TopText sells to schools, colleges, and individual customers. Many authors write more than one book for TopText, and more than one author writes some books. TopText maintains an active list of more than 100 books, each identified by a universal code called an ISBN.
I need the answer to be in word file , the first page ( databases schema with relations) , the other pages contain tables with sample data no more than 7 record for each table.

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