Assignment: Select a dialogue-heavy film with a focus on relationships (For exam

Assignment: Select a dialogue-heavy film with a focus on relationships (For example, films like: Lost in Translation, Mean Girls, or even Wreck-It Ralph would work better than The Transformers. The purpose of this project is to analyze interpersonal communication in the film using five concepts and processes discussed in the class and/or the textbook. You will select the five processes to emphasize, describe the scenes, and explain why each scene ideally exemplifies the concept or process. The paper should between 4 – 6 double-spaced pages (not including a title page or reference page, if included). Students will be asked to get their film and five processes approved in a discussion post in early November.
Paper Structure:
1. Introduction: Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that introduces the overall concepts being explored. Make sure to include a thesis statement and preview statement.
Short example: The bonds between families make for some of the most complex relationships we have as individuals. In Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, we see the complications and ramifications of parental rejection, sibling rivalries, and the importance of role models. In this film, Luke Skywalker presents researchers with an excellent model for studying interpersonal communication and communication conflict styles between friends, relatives, mentors, and nemesis. Through an analysis of this film, this paper will illustrate and discuss key interpersonal communication concepts about role competence, independence & conformity, Expectancy Violation Theory, and naive realism.
2. Body: Structure your paper around 5 main points that tie specific examples from the film to five concepts and processes discussed in the textbook. Sections should include the use of paragraphs (i.e. each section should not just be one long paragraph), and transitions between points (see the recommended outline info below).
3. Conclusion: Your conclusion should include a summary statement of the key point you’ve demonstrated through your analysis (oversimplified example – “As we’ve seen from Silence of the Lambs, listening skills are critical to maintaining strong relationships.”) Restatement of thesis and main ideas, and a tie back to the introduction that provides a memorable ending to the paper.
Other things to consider:
Be sure to fully describe the concepts and processes from the text and use APA style citations in text and on the reference sheet.
When connecting concepts from the text to your selected film, please provide adequate detail so I understand the point you’re making. In other words, don’t assume that I’ve seen the film and will just understand your point. However, you don’t need to give me a full plot summary or film review. (Short example “Pamela Vorhees use of direct, controlling language with her intellectually disabled son, Jason, in the scene where…..and can be understood as an attempt to protect her son according to ……theory.”
The film being used, your textbook, and other outside research sources should be included in a reference section at the end of the paper (refer to APA style).Required: Students need to use 3 – 5 outside sources from peer reviewed academic journals to back up your analysis. A convenient way to find such sources is to use Communication Source database in the libraries A-Z list of electronic database. Search for the various theories or concepts by name and look for studies that have referenced those concepts. Google Scholar may also prove useful.
Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are important. Please proofread your paper closely.
NOTE: I am a fan of the use of headings, I recommend using the following headings & structure . A sample paper using labeled sections might look like this:
I. Introduction: Pulp Fiction & Interpersonal Communication in Male Bonding
II. How Schematas Define Relationships
III. Vincent, Jules & Cognitive Structures
IV. Stereotypes of Masculinity on a Road Trip Gone Bad
V. The Looking-Glass Self in the Diner Robbery
VI. Self-disclosure & Conflict Resolution
VII. Conclusion
I highly recommend outlining a paper before writing. It will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run. If I were outlining the paper above, a section might look something like this:
III. Vincent, Jules & Cognitive Structures
A. (Transition Statement) – The characters in Pulp Fiction exist in a shadowy underworld, where trust is hard to come by and behaviors are often difficult to predict……
B. (Thesis Statement) – The nature of their jobs in the criminal underworld suggests that they may have cognitive structures & schemata developed through negative interactions, or that don’t work outside of criminal scenarios.
C. (Body – Define the concept) – According to Trenhold & Jenson (2013), cognitive structures help us…..
D. (Body – explain the scene) – In the scene where Vincent and Jules walk into the dinner, they argue over….
E. (Body – make the connection). When Vincent gets angry at…., he is operating based on a schemata about how someone should respond when given a handout. This schemata also tells us that Vincent probably doesn’t like….” This is important to look at because …. is a key part of maintaining intimate relationships according to interpersonal scholar, Bob Jones (2018).
F. (summary, transition). The cognitive structures and schematas demonstrated in this scene provide insight into…. and can be further explained by looking at stereotypes of masculinity.
IV. Stereotypes of Masculinity on a Road Trip Gone Bad
FINAL NOTE: I am available and willing to help out at any point over the next two weeks on your assignment. If you have questions, concerns, or need someone to bounce ideas of off, please e-mail or text me and we can set up a zoom appointment.

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