Assignment Instruction: Identify a conflict and prepare a study of the situation

Assignment Instruction: Identify a conflict and prepare a study of the situation. You must base it on a real situation from your own experience. Provide a maximum 1.5-page description of the background, history, and facts, including the issues, who the parties are/were, and what needs were at stake. Drawing on course concepts and experiences, provide a 3 – 5 page analysis of the interpersonal aspects of the conflict. All together not more than 8 pages. Discuss your assumptions and beliefs about conflict, about others, and about yourself that you think account for how you understand the situation. If this is a situation from the past, discuss how you might have approached it differently in light of what you have learned in this course. if it is an emerging or continuing situation, discuss how you might apply course concepts to change the conflict dynamics in the future. Note – all case studies must include references to at least two of the course readings, with at least two quotes and analysis per reading.
PS: I have attached a document with a sample of what the assignment should look like. So sorry, Just have a very busy schedule. Thank you.

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