ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Unit 3 Assignment: Preparing for a PCI-DSS Audit Outcomes add

Unit 3 Assignment: Preparing for a PCI-DSS Audit
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Examine an audit process.
Apply a checklist to prepare for an audit in a real-world scenario.
Course Outcome:
IT591-3: Apply auditing processes within a technical scenario.
This assignment helps you learn how to prepare for a specific audit, in this case, the PCI-DSS audit. You will use the PCI-DSS Checklist and become familiar with the various sections that the audit will cover, and what preparation must occur to ensure compliance within each section.
Assignment Instructions
Research the Internet for the PCI-DSS self-assessment questionnaire (SQA-D) and use this for the assignment.
Consider the PCI-DSS self-assessment questionnaire (SQA-D) which a typical retail merchant would have to show compliance in order to continue doing business for credit cards.
Review the questions associated with four different sections of the 12 covered by the assessment questions (specifically sections 3, 8, 9, and one other section of your choice)
For each section explain:The purpose of that section, why it is important, and what these questions seek to achieve.
Pick any three questions in that section and explain:What the question means
What evidence would be needed to show compliance
Whether it would be easy or difficult to achieve compliance and why
Do not pick three that are all easy
Summarize your impressions of the questions for this section and discuss how a merchant would establish or maintain compliance
For any question that you examined in item 2 above, (which was deemed hard to comply with) assume that you cannot fully meet the requirement and draft up a half-page compensating control that would substitute for a fully compliant response.
Lastly, write a 1-paragraph summary about what you learned from this exercise.
Assignment Requirements
5–6 pages of content (exclusive of the cover sheet and references page), using Times New Roman font style, 12 point, double-spaced, using correct APA formatting, and include a cover sheet, table of contents, abstract, and reference page(s).
At least 1 credible source cited and referenced
No more than 1 table or figure
No spelling errors
No grammar errors
No APA errors
For more information on APA formatting and citation style, refer to the resources in the Academic Tools area of this course. Also, review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Name your assignment document according to this convention: YourLastName_IT591_Unit3. Submit your completed assignment to the Unit 3 Dropbox by the deadline.
Review the rubric before beginning this activity.
This week’s reading will introduce you to the PCI-DSS standard and related audit process and audit checklist.
Search the Internet for “PCI-DSS Quick Reference Guide” and review the PCI-DSS requirements in depth.
You can access the text below by navigating to More Tools, selecting Library, then choosing Required Readings.
Read the following chapters:
PCI DSS: A Pocket Guide, 6th ed.
Chapters 1 and 10Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox
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Hide RubricsRubric Name: IT591 Unit 3 Assignment Rubric
PrintCriterion 165 pointsLevel II Max Points55.25 pointsLevel I Max Points45.5 pointsNot Present0 pointsCriterion Score
PCI-DSS Self-AssessmentMeets all criteria:Selects four different sections of the 12 covered by the assessment questions.
For each section, explains the purpose, why it is important, and what these questions seek to achieve.
Picks any three questions in each section and explains what the question means, what evidence would be needed to show compliance, and whether it would be easy or difficult to achieve compliance and why.
Summarizes and discusses how a merchant would establish or maintain compliance.
Drafts up a half-page compensating control that would substitute for a fully compliant response.
Provides a 1-paragraph summary about the lesson learned from this assignment.
Meets four or five criteria:Selects four different sections of the 12 covered by the assessment questions.
For each section, explains the purpose, why it is important, and what these questions seek to achieve.
Picks any three questions in each section and explains what the question means, what evidence would be needed to show compliance, and whether it would be easy or difficult to achieve compliance and why.
Summarizes and discusses how a merchant would establish or maintain compliance.
Drafts up a half-page compensating control that would substitute for a fully compliant response.
Provides a 1-paragraph summary about the lesson learned from this assignment.
Meets one to three criteria:Selects four different sections of the 12 covered by the assessment questions.
For each section, explains the purpose, why it is important, and what these questions seek to achieve.
Picks any three questions in each section and explains what the question means, what evidence would be needed to show compliance, and whether it would be easy or difficult to achieve compliance and why.
Summarizes and discusses how a merchant would establish or maintain compliance.
Drafts up a half-page compensating control that would substitute for a fully compliant response.
Provides a 1-paragraph summary about the lesson learned from this assignment.
Does not meet any criteria./ 65
Criterion 210 pointsLevel II Max Points8.5 pointsLevel I Max Points7 pointsNot Present0 pointsCriterion Score
APA Style and Writing ConventionsMeets all criteria:Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors.
Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors.
Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources.
Meets two criteria:Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors.
Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors.
Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources.
Meets one criterion:Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors.
Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors.
Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources.
Does not meet any criteria./ 10
TotalScore of IT591 Unit 3 Assignment Rubric,/ 75Overall Score
Level III63.76 points minimumLevel II52.51 points minimumLevel I1 point minimumNot Present0 points minimum
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