Assignment 1: Locate and read at least three reviews, popular articles, or blog

Assignment 1:
Locate and read at least three reviews, popular articles, or blog posts that respond to the film that you have chosen to analyze. Try to find a variety of responses to your chosen film. In other words, take note of whether the responses come from different age groups, genders, professional reviewers or informal bloggers, and so on.
Apply the research questions you developed in task 3-1 to the sources you have found. What do these reviews reveal about the assumptions and expectations that audiences bring to your selected film and the social issues it portrays?
The findings you obtain through your research will inform your sociological analysis and the conclusions you draw.
Using the free recording and editing software Audacity, compose an audio recording (3 to 3 ½ minutes in length) of your findings, with speaker notes (a verbatim transcript), in which you identify personal and societal assumptions around the film and the identified social issues in the film.
For example, what preconceived notions and biases exist regarding the film or social issues identified? Do audience members find the film’s portrayal of your selected social issue realistic or accurate? Do they find this portrayal surprising or disturbing? How might the audience members’ socialization, gender, age, or other social factors influence their perception of the film? What do the audiences’ reactions suggest about the positive or negative impact the film has had on society? What have you discovered about your own personal assumptions and biases regarding the film or social issue identified in the film?
In conclusion, explain how the use of sociological theory helps to challenge personal and societal assumptions when analyzing an item or issue. Provide a specific example in relation to your assumptions about the film or social issues present. For example, how will you use the theory to limit your biases in relation to the specific film or social issues?
You will also reflect on how sociological theories inform research interests and career goals in the social sciences.

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