As mentioned in lecture, the interpretation and presentation of various organize

As mentioned in lecture, the interpretation and presentation of various organized crime groups can be very different from the lived reality. For this assignment, please begin by watching Narco Cultura
The video does a good job of juxtaposing the romanticization of narco culture and the violent reality it often creates. Please be warned that the video does feature some graphic imagery. You will see grief and some dead bodies. The video does not focus extensively on them. However, they are an important part of the discourse. After you finish watching the video, please answer the following questions:
The film analyzes three bureaucracies: law enforcement, organized crime, and media. What do you believe it is saying about the interactions between these three?
The drug trade and the music business are prominently featured here. How does the marketplace smooth over the moral dilemmas that come with profiting from something like the drug trade?
Please use two theories/perspectives or explanations you learned in this class and use them to interpret some aspect of the documentary.

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