Answer the following prompt: Why are international, regional, and/or nongovernme

Answer the following prompt: Why are international, regional, and/or nongovernmental institutions important in global politics?
450-500 words
Focus on international and regional institutions
Argue they are important (May not always be successful but important)
Examples to use: Regional: EU and AU
International: UN
International institutions are important because they give a platform for countries to meet and solve world problems
Important because we are globalized and can’t have the mindset of “Not my country, not my problem”
Regional institutions are important because they give a platform to smaller countries. For example, the EU can have a voice for the smaller counties
Only quote the attached sources
The most important aspect of this is to formulate a cohesive argument. Choose portions of the readings for citation purposes that you are able to explain in your own words. Simply copying and pasting numerous readings does not equal points. Doing so may take away from your argument if you are unable to coherently explain them. Rather, using these readings to assist and bolster your argument is the goal.

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