After the oncoming nurse receives the bedside report, the client introduces the

After the oncoming nurse receives the bedside report, the client introduces the nurse to his partner. Both the client and his partner speak fluent Spanish; the client is also fluent in English, but his partner is not. The client is being treated for newly diagnosed diabetes, and his partner is the primary cook for the couple. During the bedside report, the client indicates his partner wants to learn more about the client’s new dietary needs. After leaving the client’s room, the departing nurse states, “Since the partner does not speak English, I didn’t worry about teaching the diabetes dietary needs. The client can teach his partner.” When the oncoming nurse is scheduled to provide care, the diabetic educator has requested to spend time with the client to continue education, including self-administration of insulin before the next meal. The client’s partner indicates he wishes to be present when the diabetes educator collaborates with the client.
Create a Microsoft Word document and respond to the following questions:
Identify the factors in the scenario that demonstrate a violation or potential violation of the Code of Ethics for Nurses provisions.
Choosing one of the violations or potential violations of the Code of Ethics for Nurses identified in Question 1, what actions could the nurse take to avoid the violation?
How might the diabetes educator maintain ethical nursing practice while providing education to the client and his partner?
Each response should be 2–3 sentences in length, clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

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