A Template has been provided and make sure to go follow the sample on the first

A Template has been provided and make sure to go follow the sample on the first page. I have also included a PowerPoint slide to that reviews the topics and a link.
Using the security controls reviewed (STIG documents, the OWASP-10, and CIS Benchmarks), select ten (10) security controls from at least two different security control frameworks (STIG/OWASP/CIS).
Perform an assessment of their compliance and make as much progress as is practical to implement the control, recognizing that many of the follow-on steps are beyond the scope of our environments; in these cases, make sure to describe what you did to evaluate, what you did to mitigate, and what would still require action to fully comply.
Include screen shots .
Use the Security Controls Synopsis template for each control. Each control should get 1 or 2 pages of attention, resulting in a single document that contains all ten security controls, using the template as a guide (likely 10-20 pages in total length).
You can choose to use a real-world system or a pet project as the target so long as it is applicable to the type of security controls we’re focusing on within Data & Application Security.
Do not include work done as part of your job,
Do not include repeats (same topic from two control frameworks),
Don’t use a control that is “Not Applicable”.
Treat this as a work deliverable: use critical thinking and check your writing/spelling for completeness.

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