A 2 page fault tree analysis for the un-annunciated loss of Terrain Awareness Pu

A 2 page fault tree analysis for the un-annunciated loss of Terrain Awareness Pull-up Warning system is given in the files fault_tree_1.JPG and fault_tree_2.JPG.
Un-annunciated means that the TerrainAwareness Pull-up Warning system has failed, but this is not indicated the failure to the cockpit crew. This can be caused by a wide range of failures from the speaker not working to incorrect navigation data.
The triangle at the top of page 2 is the probability of a cockpit indication failure for one hour of flight.
In the jpgs is the probability of failure for one hour of flight.
You are to calculate the probability of an un-annunciated loss of Terrain Awareness Pull-up Warning for one hour of flight. Include a figure that shows all of your intermediate calculations.

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