5 questions on the worksheet Before you can write such a summary, you need to re

5 questions on the worksheet
Before you can write such a summary, you need to read and understand the article.
Reading the Article – Allow enough time. Plan to spend at least one-half of the time you devote to this assignment reading and understanding the article.
Scan the article first- You will get bogged down in detail if you try to read a new article from start to finish.
Read for depth – After you have highlighted the questions, findings, and interpretations, go back to the article to read about each area in more detail.
Plagiarism and taking notes. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. Most plagiarism is unintentional, from faulty note-taking and poor understanding of what is being reported. To avoid it:
Take notes in your own words.
Remember that you are digesting information, not swallowing it whole. If an idea is relevant to your topic, you should be able to summarize it in your own words. If you cannot, you probably do not understand it.
Avoid writing complete sentences when note-taking.
When note-taking, distinguish between what the author wrote and your comments about it (e.g., use different inks or put a star next to quoted sections.
LOG 125 CurrentEventArticleReviewWksht.docx LOG 125 CurrentEventArticleReviewWksht.docx – Alternative Formats (opens in a new window)
Using the Internet select an article or case less than 5 years old to review and complete the attached worksheet.
Suggested websites for your article review-
https://www.insidesources.com/trains-moving-american-goods-more-efficiently-and-more-safely-than-ever-before/ (opens in a new window)
https://www.citylab.com/life/2014/10/a-complete-guide-to-the-future-of-us-freight-movement/381012/ (opens in a new window)
https://www.aar.org/article/the-future-of-rail/ (opens in a new window)
https://www.oliverwyman.com/our-expertise/insights/2017/sep/oliver-wyman-transport-and-logistics-2017/operations/disruption-the-future-of-rail-freight.html (opens in a new window)
https://www.smartrailworld.com/9-major-factors-shaping-the-future-of-the-rail-industry (opens in a new win

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