3. SPSS Exercises SPSS Exercises 3: Bivariate Analysis Access the National Crime

3. SPSS Exercises
SPSS Exercises 3: Bivariate Analysis
Access the National Crime Victimization Survey (“.sav”) dataset in the SPSS folder in Engage.
Using the textbook, define “independent variable.”
Select an independent variable with exactly two attributes. Identify it by name, and provide its attributes and associated codes.
Using the textbook, define “dependent variable.”
Select a dependent variable with exactly two attributes. Identify it by name, and provide its attributes and associated codes.
Using the textbook, define “hypothesis.”
Write a hypothesis with your selected independent and dependent variable. (Remember that Chapter 2 covers how to state a hypothesis properly. Do not state a null hypothesis.)
Generate a crosstabulation (or contingency table or crosstabs) that shows the associated between your independent and dependent variable. Place the independent variable in the column and the dependent variable in the row, select “Column Percentage,” and request the “Chi Square” test of statistical significance. (Within the Crosstabs menu/box, click “Cells” so you can select column percentage, and click “Statistics,” so you can select Chi-square.) Interpret the results of the crosstabs, including both interpretation of the crosstabs and of Chi-square.
State whether or not your hypothesis is

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