1- Is your BMI score consistent with what you expected? In a few sentences, expl

1- Is your BMI score consistent with what you expected? In a few sentences, explain why or why not?
2- In a few sentences: What is a realistic and sustainable body weight for you? At this point in time are you compelled to make this a priority? No right or wrong answers!
3- Body Mass Index is considered a more accurate tool for weight management than body fat testing.
4- When (cue)—————– I will (routine) ———————-because it provided me with (reward)————
5- In a paragraph of 350-400 words, write a current habit you have that impacts either your cognitive, emotional or physical wellness. Specify the cue, routine, reward that you currently experience and what you seek to change. Look at the flow chart in Chapter 7 and identify an alternative routine, which would give you the same or comparable reward. Use the verbiage (which is on the flow chart) to write your plan.
5- In 400-500 words: Circling back to Chapter 1, identifying your end game vision, has that vision changed in the last 3 months? Construct an overall wellness plan, which includes short term goals for your mental health, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, nutrition and weight control. What weekly and monthly markers need to be reached? These measurable objectives will put you on a trajectory toward your end game vision.
7- In a few sentences, name 3 great wellness habits already in place in your life, that will serve you well as you age. Habits can pertain to fitness, nutrition or cognitive/emotional wellness.
8- In a minimum of 450 to 500 words address ONE of following prompts. This is a personal response, not an academic response gleaned from any outside source e.g. chat gpt or anything AI generated.
Success is seen over the arc of someone’s life so think long term: With this paragraph in mind from the article, and your original answer to your end game vision from Chapter One, what has changed in 3 ½ months? How do you forecast emotional intelligence and relationships supporting your health at age 50 and beyond? This is a personal response!
How do your stressors from Chapter 2 and your habit loop from Chapter 7 relate to this Ted Talk and Article? Does the speakers takeaway for determining long term success surprise you? Why or why not? Again, this is a personal response!

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