you have to write about Sino Canada and other minorties and how that relates to

you have to write about Sino Canada and other minorties and how that relates to China town history in Vancouver BC. It needs five used academic resources in APA and should last me 10 minutes. i need like 10 slides its a powerpoint . lease consider the following requirements or suggested topics: Temporal Scope: after 1949 (for 100 class) or before 1949 (for 200 class) Sino-Canada relations Chinese Communities in Canada China Towns in North America China Towns Across the World Famous Canadian Chinese and Their Contributions Chinese Immigrants: Policies, Cultures, Lives, and Integration Sino-Canada Intercultural Communication Sino-Canada Trade Chinese and Other Minorities in Canada. Please find below the website of the museum, where you can find useful information to either plan your visit or prepare for the presentation. (Links to an external site.) I also attach here a few documents about China Town for your reference. I strongly recommend you read them before the tour. MysteriousChinatown_e.pdfPreview the document VHF-Chinatown-Map-Guide-FINAL-web-res.pdfPreview the document Each student will give a short (10 minutes) oral presentation and provide the instructor with the link to the video of the presentation and an outline as noted below. Presenters may use any appropriate methods (PowerPoint, lecture, audio-visuals, etc). BE IMAGINATIVE; BE INFORMATIVE! – time is short, however, for showing ‘videos.

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