Women who rape are very unique and yet are often times treated much different th

Women who rape are very unique and yet are often times treated much different than men who are arrested as suspects. I want you to research the topic of women who rape and examine suspects you can even find a case and use it as a guide. What are the characteristics of women who rape and why do they commit this crime. You are required to do research using 4 outside sources. You cannot use papers or books written by any professors from FGCU to support your position. I want to know what other researchers say about the subject. Using information from professors at FGCU will cost you 50% of the grade which is an automatic loss of ten points.
There are four (4) aspects of the research paper:
The paper must be a minimum of 1000 words.
You cannot use a paper that has been previously submitted.
The paper is to be written in the APA format.  
You must use a minimum of four (4) resources, the internet can only account for one (1) of the sources a website. All of the other resources must come from peer reviewed journals and books.

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