We are now preparing for your persuasive speech presentation. Please watch the T

We are now preparing for your persuasive speech presentation. Please watch the TED TALK below:
Here’s the link:
Your assignment is to do the following:
1. Review the TED TALK in a paragragh. Explained what you liked about the speech? Explain what you didn’t like about the speech? What would you have done differently? What stood out to you? Was it effective?
Please submit three persuasive speech ideas. Again, these are ideas where you will be persuading the audience to take some sort of action or change their minds about a particular idea. In addition to listing your three ideas, you must also explain HOW and WHY you want to present EACH idea.
PART THREE : Please answer the exercise questions for section 5.1 -5.4.
The recalling stage of the listening process is a place where many people experience difficulties. What techniques do you use or could you use to improve your recall of certain information such as people’s names, key concepts from your classes, or instructions or directions given verbally?
Getting integrated: Identify how critical listening might be useful for you in each of the following contexts: academic, professional, personal, and civic.
Listening scholars have noted that empathetic listening is the most difficult type of listening. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Which style of listening best describes you and why? Which style do you have the most difficulty with or like the least and why?
Section 5.2
We are capable of thinking faster than the speed at which the average person speaks, which allows us some room to put mental faculties toward things other than listening. What typically makes your mind wander?
Bad speakers and messages are a common barrier to effective listening. Describe a time recently when your ability to listen was impaired by the poor delivery and/or content of another person.
Of the bad listening practices listed, which do you use the most? Why do you think you use this one more than the others? What can you do to help prevent or lessen this barrier?
Section 5.3
Keep a “listening log” for part of your day. Note times when you feel like you exhibited competent listening behaviors and note times when listening became challenging. Analyze the log based on what you have learned in this section. Which positive listening skills helped you listen? What strategies could you apply to your listening challenges to improve your listening competence?
Apply the strategies for effective critical listening to a political message (a search for “political speech” or “partisan speech” on YouTube should provide you with many options). As you analyze the speech, make sure to distinguish between facts and inferences, evaluate a speaker’s supporting evidence, discuss how your own biases may influence your evaluation, and think beyond the message.
Discuss and analyze the listening environment of a place you have worked or an organization with which you were involved. Overall, was it positive or negative? What were the norms and expectations for effective listening that contributed to the listening environment? Who helped set the tone for the listening environment?
Section 5.4
Apply the strategies for creating listenable messages to a speech you recently gave or a speech you are currently working on. Which strategies did/will you employ? Why?
Recall an instance in which someone gave you feedback that didn’t meet the guidelines that are listed in this section. In what ways did the person’s feedback fall short of the guidelines, and what could the person have done to improve the feedback?
Using the guidelines for self-evaluation (feedback to self), assess one of your recent speeches. If you haven’t given a speech recently, assess another communication skill using the same guidelines, such as your listening abilities or your skill at providing constructive criticism.

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