: Using your own words, Compose the following: Write a paragraph exploring the

Using your own words, Compose the following:
Write a paragraph exploring the subject matter and content of your chosen work.
(Hint: subject matter refers to what the work of art depicts. Content refers to what that means.) Is the work two-dimensional or three-dimensional? What is the work about and what do you think is being communicated?
Add an additional paragraph identifying the role of the Artwork (Chapter 1) that best aligns with the content of the work. Support your choice by articulating why/how this work exemplifies one of the five outlined in chapter 1. The roles of Art in visual culture discussion begins on p. 17 with, “Yet no matter what term we use, art typically plays one or more roles that distinguish it from other objects.” What do you think the Artist’s intentions were in the work?
Add a paragraph about the Artist. Include the themes or ideas that the artist explores in their work. Describe the materials used by the artist and how they relate to the subject matter.
Conclude with a fourth paragraph exploring how made you think differently about this work of art. Describe and compare your initial thoughts and responses with your greater understanding after researching the work.
Be sure to include your chosen artwork image, labelled with the Artist, Title, Medium/Materials, & Location
Make sure to paraphrase (use your own words) and/or use quotations around others’ words to relay researched information. Cite any research at the end. Hint: Be sure to use scholarly sources in your assignments. Don’t rely on student blog posts or homework sites. Look for reliable sources opens in new window.
Please proofread & spellcheck your paper and meet the 300-word count minimum. Write using complete sentences. No outlines or bullet points/ lists. Please do not include any of the instructions/ question prompts, or topical headings in your paper. Also, it is not necessary to highlight, underline, or bold type any terminology used in the composition.
*Important: We are now living in a time of great technological advancement with Artificial Intelligence. While this could be beneficial in some areas of life. It is not for academic use. It violates Academic Integrity. We as instructors, are interested in your thoughts and knowledge relating to all aspects of Art Appreciation.
All written assignments are run through the Turnitin Similarity checker which detects both previous database submissions & websites and Artificial Intelligence sourced writing. If there were a high percentage match in either report, no credit will be earned. If high AI sourced matching is detected, rewrites will not be permitted.

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