TWAs are expected to be at least 2 pages in length, of high quality, including w

TWAs are expected to be at least 2 pages in length, of high quality, including well-thought out ideas, clear expression of these ideas, and correct grammar and spelling. Along with this, TWAs require at least 2 scholarly citations other than the article(s) provided for this assignment. Please include proper references and citations when referring to information from the readings, textbook, or when using any other source of information (for example, journal articles, websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Proper referencing includes citing sources in the body of the TWA and complete references at the end. Please use APA referencing style. TWAs must be typed (double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman).
For this TWA, I want to focus on the ever growing world of the internet and digital communication. Parents today have to navigate a whole new digital world that presents a new set of challenges that 30 years ago parents did not have to worry about. In the last 10-15 years sexting among teens has become a topic of high stress for parents and in many cases has had a significant impact on the mental health of the teens who engage in this behavior. Please read the following articles and answer any of the prompts found below.
Explaining Risk and Harm of Adolescent Online Sexual Messaging
Helping Parents Promote Healthy and Safe Computer Habits
Sexting Prevalence Among Youth
What role does parenting play in helping a teen navigate the digital world? What impact, if any, does parenting style have on adolescent online behavior?
If a teen does have the content of their sexting leaked, what role does parental support play in their recovery?
What are some of the reasons why teens engage in sexting behaviors?
What are the psychological/emotional impacts of sexting behavior gone wrong?
After reading the Madigan et al., article, was there anything that surprised you about teen sexting prevalence rate? What do you believe has contributed to the rise in sexting behavior in teens?
According to Livingstone and Gorzig, what are some common characteristics of teens who choose to engage in sexting behavior?
With the current rise of dangerous trends being found across multiple social media platforms, do you think you can make a prediction as to what aspect of the internet parents will have to start worrying about more in the next 5 years?

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