Topic: Plato Just and unjust The ideal CRP will: 1) Isolate a specific concept/t

Topic: Plato Just and unjust
The ideal CRP will:
1) Isolate a specific concept/theme/topic in the text(s) that most piqued your interest.
a. How is this concept/theme/topic analyzed by the author?
b. How is this concept/theme/topic relevant to the author’s overall argument or claim?
2) Include a statement of intent (2-4 sentences).
a. Why are YOU interested in this concept/theme/topic?
b. What questions or concerns do YOU have about this concept/theme/topic?
c. What are YOU going to do about those questions/concerns? Give us a “teaser” of will your argument and analysis entail.
[To my way of thinking, 1) and 2) above should probably occur in the first 2 paragraphs.]
3) Cultivate an argument and analysis concerning the specific concept/theme/topic you have isolated. (This is the “meat” of the paper, as it were.)
a. What is your “take”? [argument]
b. Support your argument through discussion, observation, examples, secondary research, etc. [analysis]

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