This is the link to the master programme

This is the link to the master programme
Hi there, please write me a personal statement for the Yale University environmental management programme with answers to the following three questions, make a note of the four documents I have uploaded. The first document details the research I have completed regarding Columbia University, and the red font words are the projects I have completed during my internship programme in terms of impact investing, and please make use of the projects outlined above. The second document the zip file, contains the extracurricular activities I have completed, along with my CV and a previous cover letter (which have more detailed job description regarding the previous internship roles I had). The third document is the work experience which includes the internship experiences I had previously and with the jobs and the responsibilities, and the final document is the courses with the course outline.
Please do not use chatGPT for writing; I will use online checking tools like turnitn to check it, I have many other personal statements to write, and if we work well on this personal statement, we will be able to work with many other future personal statements.
Review Process
We look for students capable of making effective contributions to scientific knowledge to address environmental problems. Clarity regarding professional career goals is a critically important part of the applicant’s personal statement. Admissions staff and faculty review teams read the applications submitted to the Master of Environmental Science and Master of Forest Science degree programs. Final admissions decisions rest on an integrated assessment of the components described above.
Please respond to all 3 questions:
Why YSE, and why now? Please share your motivation for coming to YSE and what you plan to study here. Why have you decided to take this professional step now, and how will this educational experience prepare you to fulfill your professional goals? (350 Words)
Tell us about a time that you were able to make progress in overcoming a challenge with a person (or group of people) holding different — or even opposing – views than your own. Describe the challenge at hand, the diverse perspectives that were held, what you learned in this process, and how you have applied the lessons in other contexts. (350 Words)
What unique perspective will you bring to the YSE community? (200 Words)

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