This case study is focused on the potential disruption of supply chains created

This case study is focused on the potential disruption of supply chains created by product recalls.
Pratt and Whitney conducted a recall of engines serving the commercial airline industry. The purpose of this assignment is to discuss supply chain challenges created by product recalls.
Wall Street Journal: “RTX Engine Recall to Cut Profit by Up to $3.5 Billion,” Link:…
Industry Week: “RTX Engine Issue to Hit Profit by Up to $3.5 Billion,” Link:…
Industry Week: “Pratt & Whitney Engine Issue Adds to Airline Challenges,” Link:…
Pratt & Whitney: Link:…
Pratt & Whitney Supplier Requirements:…
Please address the following topics for Pratt & Whitney (P&W):
Discuss how product recalls could jeopardize sales of P&W products in the future.
Explain how P&W can use supplier selection and evaluation to improve the supplier base for new products in the future.
Design a supplier development strategy using Deming’s 14 points of quality that could be used by P&W to prevent product recalls in the future.
Discuss the benefits and challenges of worldwide sourcing for the new hybrid-electric engines being developed at P&W.
Detailed Notes and Citation of References in Power Point:
The “Notes” section in PowerPoint should include detailed information and references whenever possible. The notes serve as the details that would be included in a written report. This is critical for maintaining the knowledge developed for your project. You or someone else in the organization may refer to this document in the future, and detailed notes are extremely valuable.
References should be identified in the Notes section for each page that refers to the sources of information used to develop the report. A complete reference list should also be included at the end of the presentation.
The textbook and the articles included with this assignment should be used as references, which count toward the minimum requirement.
10-25 slides.

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