This assignment, Construction Myths and Ancient Architecture, asks you to consid

This assignment, Construction Myths and Ancient Architecture, asks you to consider well-known myths regarding the construction of ancient sites. It asks you to develop your research and analytical skills to debunk misinformation regarding the history of architecture.
Our knowledge of how ancient sites were constructed is often incomplete and that absence of information has left room for speculation. Some creative minds propose that ancient civilizations may have had access to super-human strength, levitation, technology from the future, or help from extraterrestrials with more advanced tools or physical abilities to move large stones and build monumental structures. Among sites that have acquired such myths are Stonehenge in England, the Great Pyramids at Giza, and the Teotihuacan Pyramids in Mexico.
Your focus for this assignment will be ONE site covered in the course material. Use your preferred search method to identify leading construction myths about your site. Choose one myth you can disprove using the materials provided in the course (textbook, lectures, and additional resources).
Include one high-quality image of your site and, following the instructions below, introduce the construction myth and then disprove the myth using terms and concepts learned in class and course materials. Finally, reflect on the implications of such myths in the study of architecture and modern societies’ view of ancient peoples and cultures.
→ Compile your image(s) and text into a word file
Site Image: Include a high-quality image of the site of your choice. The image should clearly show the entire site, particularly any features mentioned in the myth. [1 point]
Caption: Provide a caption for your site image (and any supporting images or sketches). The caption should include a citation of your image source. [1 point]
Introductory Statement (about 100 words): Introduce the site and discuss the construction myth. Explain the theory of how the site was constructed by focusing on materials, location, and technology, including any explanation for why the people of the time were unable to build such a structure and any information about how the site may have been used. Be sure to discuss and identify the source of the myth as well. You may include sketches further demonstrating the myth. [3 points]
Dispelling the Myth (about 100 words): Describe how your chosen construction myth is unfounded using the terms and concepts learned in class lectures and materials. Include what we understand today about how ancient sites were likely constructed, how they were used, and why they were built. You may include supporting sketches or images. [3 points]
Impact of Misinformation (up to 50 words): Write a critique of misinformation, such as fantastical myths regarding the construction of ancient monuments, and reflect on the implications of today’s society viewing ancient peoples as inadequately equipped to build their own monuments. [2 points]
Address all 5 points by thoughtfully crafting responses using the vocabulary and understanding of built spaces you have developed thus far.
Note: You may read articles and watch videos about your chosen site and myth, but you must cite any ideas and words that are not your own. Your submission should be your work, and incorporating AI-generated text is prohibited. Submissions will be scanned by Turnitin SimCheck software. Any intentional plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the assignment with no make-up opportunity.

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