This assignment asks you to establish the contextual framework for identifying a

This assignment asks you to establish the contextual framework for identifying a need for and formulating a business case for change within your organization ( a school). This assignment requests designing a business case for change,
Setting for the Change Project. Introduce the target business/organization. You may focus on your actual or a previous work setting, using a fictitious name. Discuss its essential characteristics (i.e., the field of operation, size, vision, change culture and patterns, and other information relevant to your, business case for change). You may also create a fictitious business/organization designing the characteristics listed previously.
The case for Change. Discuss the business case for change, you may create an issue/problem yourself. Should demonstrate the needs for change (i.e., relevance, magnitude, effects on the business/organization performance) supporting the information with evidence from the literature. This section should conclude with the vision of the change project (i.e., visualize the transformation expected with the change project).

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