The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can conduct academic r

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can conduct academic research on an important
current issue in the US Economy and then use the Economics you are learning in class to analyze it. Here is the
best way to approach the assignment:
Read the assignment and identify all its required elements
Review the relevant chapters in your textbook.
Read the academic articles and relate them to the topics in your textbook. Here is an example of
this: Labor Supply and Demand Paper Annotated (see appendix)
Think about how you can use the economics you are learning in class to analyze the topic.
Here are some helpful resources:
Library Research Project (see appendix)
Reading Guide (see appendix)
Requirements for the assignment
This assignment should be completed in essay format.
It should include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, a body, and a concluding paragraph.
It should be at least 1,000 words in length.
It should cite the course text and at least two academic articles.
The articles should be identified using the “Ask a Librarian” function
Include a copy of your Ask a Librarian chat transcript with your paper, following the References page.
Your answers should be free of spelling and grammar errors.
Please follow APA format.
Please cite your sources by using in-text citations. You must also include a reference list.
Discuss the economic basis for the determination of wages in the U.S. Your answer should also include the
following elements:
a) What determines the demand for labor and the supply of labor at the market level.
b) What causes the demand for labor to increase and decrease?
c) What economic role have unions played in the minimum wage legislation?
d) What economic impact would minimum wage legislation have on the labor market when the minimum
wage is set above the equilibrium wage level?
e) What economic circumstances could give rise to an increase in outsourcing of jobs by firms?

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