Technical Solutions The Saudi Vision 2030 has drawn up a roadmap to invest in

Technical Solutions
The Saudi Vision 2030 has drawn up a roadmap to invest in digital healthcare during the coming decade. Based on your what you have learned in this module about the considerations of Human Factors and Ergonomics with health information technology implementation, what recommendations would you have for the Ministry of Health? The Ministry of Health has asked you to provide a 1-page infographic explaining three challenges and three recommended solutions.
Your infographic should address the following:
The importance of digital healthcare
Three challenges based on Human Factors and Ergonomics considerations to implementing telemedicine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Include statistics that demonstrate scope and impact of the challenge)
Three solutions based on evidence and Module learning content to address the three challenges identified
To see an example of an infographic, view about COVID-19, from the World Health Organization, Avoid the three Cs.—english
Your infographic should meet the following structural requirements:
One page that includes all the elements detailed above.
Follow APA 7th edition.
Be sure to cite any statistics or other information as appropriate.
You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading.

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