Tasks: In this assignment you will create and publish a personal webpage using

In this assignment you will create and publish a personal webpage using a free website builder. It must be a personal website with your own content. You could create a portfolio site, a site showcasing a personal trip or event, or a site about a hobby or professional interest. You can choose your topic, but it must be personal and contain personal content such as pictures, video, etc. that you personally took.
Decide on a purpose / topic for your website and target users
We will be using the free website builder, GoDaddy. Create an account at https://www.godaddy.com/websites/website-builder using your school email address.
Follow the prompts to create your website. Watch this video for instructions on how to get started creating a website using GoDaddy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tysvdXwoiB8 For more advanced information, see this informational guide from GoDaddy: https://www.godaddy.com/how-to/build-your-own-website
Your site should have at least four pages. The exact names and types of pages are up to you, but there must be at least four (e.g., About Us, Products, Services, Contact Us, Pictures, Projects, etc…)
Include a navigation menu so a visitor can easily move from page to page
Include at least six different and distinct images throughout the site or on one page
A. At least three of the images must be images you took/created. The other three can be free images and clip-art found on the Internet. Be careful to observe copyright rules. (Check out this article: Find Copyright-Free Images )
B. At least three of the images must be in a slideshow: https://www.godaddy.com/how-to/advanced-design-and…
C. You can use Paint or Photoshop to crop and save an image as JPEG, JPG or PNG files for the web. Saving for the web means compressing the image to smaller file size, so it will download quickly
7. One of your pages must have a contact form: https://www.godaddy.com/resources/skills/how-to-create-a-contact-form-in-godaddy-gocentral
8. Publish the site (while you are creating and editing a site it is typically not viewable by others.). Make sure you click the Publish button when you are done creating your site.
9. Make sure you test the site and all the links from a different computer so you can be sure it works
Hint: give the URL address of your site to a friend so they can test
Site has at least four pages
Site has a navigation menu
Site has at least 5 distinct hyperlinks
Site has at least 6 distinct images that are appropriately sized for fast loading on the web (don’t violate copyright!) Three must be created by you!
3 of the 6 images on your site are in a slideshow
Site has a contact form on one of the pages
All content loads and functions without error
No spelling or grammatical errors
Creativity and overall quality

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