Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of inte

Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you. Affordable Care Act Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described. “The ACA codified protections for people with preexisting conditions and eliminated patient cost sharing for high-value preventive services. And the law goes beyond coverage, requiring employers to provide breastfeeding mothers with breaks at work, making calorie counts more widely available in restaurants, and creating the Prevention and Public Health FundLinks to an external site., which helps the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state agencies detect and respond to health threatsLinks to an external site. such as COVID-19” (Nadeau et al, 2021). Some ways the Affordable Care Act has improved healthcare over the last 10 years include: 20 million fewer Americans being uninsured, protecting those with pre-existing conditions from discrimination, the Medicaid expansion portion has helped lower income families receive healthcare, healthcare became more affordable, women are no longer charged more for healthcare coverage, young adults and children have greater access to coverage, improvement in prescription drugs, rural communities have benefited from it, lowered costs for seniors on Medicare and protection for disabled people were increased. This evaluation was done at the state level. These statics were drawn from Americans across the United States. Criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program included statics. A study was done and it showed how millions of Americans were now insured due to the Affordable Care Act. Post an evaluation topic and a brief description of the evaluation. Discuss how social determinants impact this issue. An example of how efficient the new program is would be “A recent analysis by the RAND Corporation found that nearly 17 million more Americans have become insured since the health insurance exchanges opened,2Links to an external site. and, according to Gallup data, the uninsured rate among U.S” (Reisman, 2015). This evaluation compared those that were not insured to those insured now due to the Affordable Care Act. Social determinants can be defined as “The World Health OrganizationLinks to an external site. defines social determinants of health as the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age (sourceLinks to an external site.). They are the factors mostly responsible for health inequities – the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between different geographic locations (sourceLinks to an external site.)” (Alliance for Health Policy, 2023). Social determinants impacting the Affordable Care Act include: economic stability; education; social and community context; health and health care; and neighborhood and built environment (Alliance for Health Policy, 2023). References Reisman M. The Affordable Care Act, Five Years Later: Policies, Progress, and Politics. P T. 2015 Sep;40(9):575-600. PMID: 26417176; PMCID: PMC4571845. Director, S. N. A., Nadeau, S., Director, A., President, J. C. V., Cusick, J., President, V., Shepherd Director, M., Shepherd, M., Director, Director, E. L. A., Lofgren, E., Gaspard, P., Murphy, N., Khattar, R., & Wilson, N. (2021b, November 2). 10 ways the ACA has improved health care in the past decade. Center for American Progress. to an external site. Chapter 7 – Social Determinants of Health. Alliance for Health Policy. (2023, May 11).,status%20and%20health%20care%20access.

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