Sara is a nurse educator from a Diabetes disease clinic, and she is preparing a

Sara is a nurse educator from a Diabetes disease clinic, and she is preparing a presentation poster for a Diabetes conference. She includes pictures of varying stages of patient who is diabetic in the poster, and she posts the poster on her social media outlets. When a fellow co-worker learns of this, she contacts the facility privacy officer.
By considering the given scenario you need to do a thorough research on all aspects of Privacy and the privacy rightfrom the internet and answer the following questions:
1.What is privacy and what are our privacy rights?
2.What are the main ethical concerns related to publish social media post in Workplace?
3.In this particular scenario, what could be the impact on a patient of posting his photos on social media?
4.What was Sara actions that resulted in an ethics violation being brought forward?
5.What are the Ethical principles have been violated?
6.What is the potential harm to the organization as a result of the act?
7.What the organization should do in order to prevent such case in future?
8.What regulations should be considered for publish social media post it in Workplace in KSA?
9.In your perspective what do you think of Sara’s action and why?

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