Research Paper Assignment – 40 points (see rubric for details) Topic approval du

Research Paper Assignment – 40 points (see rubric for details)
Topic approval due date: Check course schedule
Paper Due Date: Check course schedule
• Research paper topic MUST be prior approved by your instructor by due
• Late approvals attract penalty points (-2 pts) and submissions (-2 pts/day
• Research papers USED in ANY other semester/course within or outside the
college CANNOT BE SUBMITTED FOR GRADING, Turnitin will Flag it for
plagiarism even though its your own work, as ONE paper cannot be USED
more than ONCE.
Format Instructions:
➢ Write up 4 pages max (Plus 1 Cover Pg and 1 Reference Pg.) Total 6 pages.
➢ Spacing of 1 or 1.5, font size 11 or 12, margins 1” all round.
➢ Use APA format for references, there are instructions in the College Library for
your information.
➢ Direct quotations MUST be LESS than 10% of your paper even if correctly
➢ Research must include at LEAST 6 different reliable, scientific sources
➢ NO Abstract, table of contents or running head required for this paper
➢ Submit your paper on Canvas in the Assignment tab for Plagiarism
assessment on ‘Turnitin’ it should not be over 18% matching. If > 18% your
paper will be returned as plagiarized WITH ZERO SCORE.
➢ DO NOT send by email to your instructor, it will not be graded.
You are required to write a critical analysis of the disease of your choice.
Included in this analysis, you will need to explain how the disease you chose
affects the various body systems where relevant.
The following relevant and concise information must (if pertinent) be included in
your write up. Topic selection is within the systems being covered in the course
▪ Name of disease
▪ History of the disease / Demographic Data: Age, sex, race, distribution in population
▪ Description of disease
▪ Anatomy of the system(s) involved
▪ Effects on other body systems
▪ Cause of disease
▪ Signs and symptoms
▪ Diagnosis of the disease
▪ Complications, if any
▪ Treatment options

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