recipes. She started off by providing an introduction to the recipe. With this,

She started off by providing an introduction to the recipe. With this, she could provide an engaging beginning to her story, like how the dish reminded her of her childhood, and enabled her to naturally include the search terms into the blog. She also included these keywords in the actual recipe as well. Additionally, she added pictures, videos, time lapses, and more to increase credibility and engagement for her content and subsequently persuading search engines to show her content to more people. After this, she moved to the website metacontent that search engines display when her blog appears in search results. She optimized the meta tags, alt tags, header tags, and more. This completed the on-page aspect of SEO. Thanks to this, she saw a significant increase in the number of visitors coming to her page.
Off-page SEOHaving done all she could on her webpage, Rachel now decides to explore what could be done off-page to improve her page’s visibility on search engines. Off-page SEO involved Rachel doing things outside her site page to help increase its search engine rankings. Making optimizations outside the site would improve the site’s popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority. This is possible with the help of reputable websites vouching for your content with backlinks, social media marketing, guest blogging, linked/unlinked brand mentions, influencer marketing, and much more.
Rachel also understood that for her content to reach people, she would have to
Web page load time is crucial for ranking on Google and providing users with a good experience. Google wants relevant content, structure, readability, and no spam or overbearing ads on a webpage. SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of increasing a website’s pages’ rankings by applying relevant content, suitable titles, structure, meta descriptions, and readability. Link building, both internally and externally, is also essential for off-page SEO. Google ranks websites by crawling, indexing, and ranking. Crawling is done by bots that follow links and store content on Google servers. Relevant websites with available content are ranked from one to infinity based on the search query’s relevancy, user experience, language, location, and more. Paid ads are separate from organic search results.

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