–    Read Part five, Chapters 12-14, Bolman and Deal (Attached) –    Choose a mo

–    Read Part five, Chapters 12-14, Bolman and Deal (Attached)
–    Choose a movie that includes an organization with a recognizable organizational structure and that is readily available for viewing; use that movie as a vehicle to discuss part five, the symbolic framework of managing organizations (i.,e “The Wolf on Wall Street” “The Devil Wears Prada” “Office Space”)
–    Using the movie/storyline as a basis, discuss the cultural symbols that are evident (myth, vision, stories, ritual, ceremonies, etc.)
–    Explain how the use of those symbols shapes or influences the organization and the individuals within the organization
–    Highlight the process and activities that exist primarily for the purpose of conveying symbolic messages/influencing culture within the organization

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