Read and analyze the case Pacific Oil Company (pg 609-635) and prepare a written

Read and analyze the case Pacific Oil Company (pg 609-635) and prepare a written summary of the negotiation at hand. 
This paper should be 2-3 pages plus a cover and a reference page, using these four headings: Overview, Analysis, BATNA, and Strategies to Maximize. I will be looking for content, format, and references to the readings (not references to the case itself but references to the assigned readings). These cases are not always straightforward and often require a great deal of thought, though they will seem easier when you link them to the readings of the week. Demonstrate your critical thinking; back up your statements and opinions with citations from the readings. Case summaries should be written in third person; no “I”, “me”, “we” or second person “you”.
Reference the book Section 2: Negotiation Subprocesses

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