Preliminary Research Report: As you are doing your research, this assignment wil

Preliminary Research Report:
As you are doing your research, this assignment will help you organize your research results and what you have learned so far.
Research Approach Page: Describe your research plan – Qualitative and Quantitative
Qualitative Research Results:List the common themes you have heard and observed
List the uncommon or unique learnings and themes
Summarize your aha’s and major insights
Reflect on the qualitative research: What would you do it differently if you do it again?
Quantitative Research Results:Using charts and graphs, summarize your results
What are the main aha’s and major insights? What are some new insights that we should care about?
Research Timeline Page: Include a project timeline. Show what you accomplished so far. What’s remaining? Help needed?
Create a Google Slides or Powerpoint slide deck with the above 4 sections, and submit via PDF. It should be 7 or 8 pages maximum
before doing this, it should be based on my previous work, this is assignment number 4 and I did 3 before this one, so you should do it after you read and know every detail of the previous ones, which are all attached.
Also, for Qualitative and Quantitative Research Results, you should conduct interviews or send out surveys to my stakeholders, they are School managers, bus drivers, and parents with children in elementary school, specifically from age 6-11. Preferably, they are from San Diego California, or anywhere in California. Also, keep in mind that in San Diego, bussing to school isn’t a thing anymore, so it might be better to research that and ask stakeholders who live in cities that still use buses for transportation.
In case getting the results from actual people might take a lot of time, then it’s fine if you make up results based on how you think other people would react. But you still have to make a survey link to use, and use it for a minimum of 6 real people, and up to 30 made up answers. Also you will have to mention the name of schools you reached out to.

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