Please submit your answers for the following questions. Discuss the importance

Please submit your answers for the following questions.
Discuss the importance and implications of sport consumer attitudes in the field of sport marketing. Using the tri-component model of attitudes, explain how each component influences consumer behavior and provide examples from the sports industry.
In the chapter on sources of attitude formation, the author discusses several external factors that influence the formation of personal attitudes, specifically in the sports context. Discuss the importance and implications of personal direct experience, the social environment, formal communication channels (including traditional and new/social media), and direct marketing in shaping individuals’ attitudes towards sports and sports-related activities. Use specific examples and evidence from the chapter to support your answer.
Drawing from the chapter on Multi-Attribute attitude models, especially the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), discuss how the TPB can be applied to predict sport and recreation behaviour. In your answer, detail the three key determinants of the TPB and provide examples from the sports context to illustrate your points. Additionally, touch upon the challenges and limitations of the TPB in the domain of consumer behaviour.
Analyze the Fan Attitude Network (FAN) model proposed by Funk and James (2004) with particular emphasis on the following components:
1. The role of the “importance property of attitudes” in predicting behavioral outcomes.
2. The interplay between dispositional needs, sport identity, and endearing features in the formation of sport-related attitudes.
3. The significance of the four outcomes (persistence, resistance, influence on cognition, and guide to behaviour) and their implications for consumer loyalty in sports marketing.
Based on the chapter “Application of attitude research: Sport sponsorship research”, discuss the significance of attitude research in the sports sponsorship arena. Highlight the different attitudinal variables and their role in determining the success of a sports sponsorship program. In your discussion, ensure to also explore the importance of sport consumers’ perceptions and how they can influence the overall effectiveness of a sponsorship initiative.

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