Please respond to one and only one of the following prompts. In doing so, please

Please respond to one and only one of the following prompts. In doing so, please write no more than 1000 words.
The Ship of Theseus: In class, as well as in the on-line notes for this topic, we mentioned four ways of solving the Puzzle of the Ship of Theseus. (a) Which of those four solutions do you prefer? (b) Why do you prefer that solution? (c) What is at least one potential problem for your preferred solution? (d) How do you propose to deal with the problem—or problems, if you mentioned more than one—for your preferred solution?
The Banana: In class, as well as in the on-line notes for this topic, we mentioned five ways of solving the Problem of Change. (a) Which of those five solutions do you prefer? (b) Why do you prefer that solution? (c) What is at least one potential problem for your preferred solution? (d) How do you propose to deal with the problem—or problems, if you mentioned more than one—for your preferred solution?
The Lump and the Statue: In class, as well as in the on-line notes for this topic, we mentioned sixways of solving the Problem of Spatiotemporal Coincidence. (a) Which of those six solutions do you prefer? (b) Why do you prefer that solution? (c) What is at least one potential problem for your preferred solution? (d) How do you propose to deal with the problem—or problems, if you mentioned more than one—for your preferred solution?
The paper you write is due no later than 12:30pm on October 30, 2023. I will accept no paper submitted after this time; a paper submitted after this time will earn none—that is, 0%—of the points available for this assignment. (Please see the syllabus for further details.)

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