Please create a case study of a client who is struggling with an altruistic acti

Please create a case study of a client who is struggling with an altruistic action (giving to the needy but having little money, caring for a loved one but working full time, wanting to be with family to help with daily challenges but living away … etc.). Please remember to keep this story as relevant to your potential career as possible.
Please describe :
The altruistic issue facing your client.
Actions that can help with resolving the dilemma.
Actions that can challenge or make the issue more difficult.
Solutions and choices that could meet the altruistic need of your client while also keeping them healthy and productive.
Create a list of resources in your community to assist you and your client in reaching their goal.
This assignment should be:
between 500-750 words
Integrate material from the lecture and videos
conform to APA format and include references and citations.
12 point, times new roman font
Estimated Time to Complete: 2 hours

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