Part 1: Initial Post (due by Oct 23 with Module 7) Create a blog, video, visual

Part 1: Initial Post (due by Oct 23 with Module 7)
Create a blog, video, visual representation, or plainly written response that includes the following information about your Wellness Action Step.
Remind your group what your action step was at the last post (Module 6). If you modified it or changed it since the last post, explain what you changed and why.
Explain how satisfied you were with your progress since you last posted.
How successful were you at following through with your action steps? Why?If you were not successful at your action step, how might not being successful become a learning or growth opportunity?
What is your action step for this week? How does it relate to your goal(s)?
What strategy can you employ to encourage your success with your action step?
Ask your group mates at least one question about their wellness journey or to collect advice/feedback
Part 2: Respond to Group Mates (due by Oct 30 with Module 8)
Respond to the initial post of at least 2 of your group mates.Your response can be in written or video format.
In your response, answer the question your groupmate posed in their initial post

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