Original posts must: Fully address the question(s); Be written in complete sente

Original posts must:
Fully address the question(s);
Be written in complete sentences and at least 100 words in length;
Include reference information for any law or regulation cited.

Response posts must:
Be written in complete sentences and at least 50 words in length;
Be respectful of their peers;
Include reference information for any law or regulation cited;
Note why you agree or disagree with your classmates analysis of the assigned question(s)
discussion topic:
Future of Telemedicine Discussion
Given the Bloomberg article about the telemedicine start-up, Cerebral, what are the potential risks in this new age of telemedicine? Does this make you rethink your opinion on the Ryan Haight Act?
Define what telehealth parity is and what the purpose of the legislation is.

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