Last semester, I found a great example from our campus of a free yoga class publ

Last semester, I found a great example from our campus of a free yoga class public health event! I used the yoga class flyer to tie the activity back to HP 2030. Here is the flyer for the meditation class
Actions and the whole analysis. Look at the flyer and see my analysis below. Each week we will fill in the analysis in a step by step fashion. This example shows it done like yours will look at the end of the course.What: Ad for free meditation/yoga on the college campus.
HP Objective: Reduce the proportion of adults with high blood pressure. (HBP) — HDS‑04
Why important: High blood pressure can lead to stroke (1)
Distribution: 1 in 5 young adults has HPB (2) In black males, the rate is higher at 1 in 3.(3). In a study by the American Heart Association, 46% of college students, almost 1 in 2 had high blood pressure (4)
Links to an external siteDeterminants: HBP can be due Behavior (lifestyle). SDoH (community and home: school stress) (2)
Intervention: Free yoga class on campus to decrease stress.
feasible: Basic meditation free classes! Not too expensive.
creative: Its fun! Mind-fullness is so in style! : ) It’s incentive as it is FREE.
targeted: students
3. High blood pressure common among black young adults | American Heart AssociationLinks to an external site.
4.Hypertension in Healthy College Students: The Hypertension i… : Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine ( to an external site.
Today, and in the coming modules, you will find an example of your own and analyze it. These are practice steps for your FULL project. We will work on it week by week.
1. Find a billboard, flyer, CURRENT newspaper ad, posted class or CURRENT TV commercial or CURRENT social media ad that is for public health campaign. You will use this for the WHOLE session so find one that is interesting to you. This is EASY and fun! You will be surprised, once you start looking, that ads and events are everywhere!!
Look up what the ad or intervention is. Do some research on what it is about.
2. Fill out the first three active categories.
What: describe what campaign you picked and what you found out. You must have a photo of the billboard or flyer or screenshot of anything else included in your post. Tell us why it interested you or caught your attention. Make sure it is a health campaign and not a commercial advertisement for a product, treatment center or other commercial item.
Objective: find an HP 2030Links to an external site. objective that fits this intervention. This is easy! You’ll need to do the Discussion One before you tackle this. It tells you how to use Healthy People 2030 (HP 2030). Just return to HP2030Links to an external site. and look at the categories and areas like we practiced earlier. This time, you again pick a topic and subset, then click on YOUR CHOSEN SUBSET to find its numbered objective. Find an objective that matches your interest!
Want more directions? Here are photo instructions on finding HP Objectives (aka goals).
ActionsWhy important: find a statistic that shows the problem this campaign addresses. How many suffer from this problem? How much does it cost the system? Find a meaningful statistic to hook your reader.
Distribution: X this is in a later module
Determinants: X this is in a later module
Intervention: X this is in a later module
feasible: X this is in a later module
creative: X this is in a later module
targeted: X this is in a later module
Fill out the above and share your inspiration photo or link,
Example Post
What: Billboard with a big condom on it. It leads to a site about HIV prevention. I found it on the way to LA. I was curious if it was for pregnancy, STDs or if it was a right to life ad since it said “Plan A” as a reference to the “Plan B” pill.
Objective: Reduce the number of new HIV infections — HIV‑01 Links to an external site.
Why important: More than 700,000 American lives have been lost to HIV since 1981 (1) It is also a communicable disease so there is additional public health risk.
Why a favorite: Vote for a class favorite and tell us why. Name the person in your post so we know who it is.
1. to an external site.
Links to an external site.2.…

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