Interpersonal Recording (IPR) Content: The assignment is to include the followin

Interpersonal Recording (IPR) Content:
The assignment is to include the following information:
1. Patient Information:
 Summarize in 2-3 paragraphs pertinent data from health history such as age, sex,
social, occupational and cultural background, marital status and role in family,
physical appearance and health status.
2. Environment:
 Identify the location of the interaction and describe the setting.
3. Describe your thoughts/feelings prior to the interaction.
4. State the predetermined objective for the interaction.
5. Identify the phases of the therapeutic nurse/client relationship.
6. The Process Recording:
 Process Recording must reflect a 5-minute portion of the conversation. The recording
can be documented on the chart in the module (see sample), or in a narrative form.
Be sure to include the following elements in the paper.
1. Student’s verbal and non-verbal communication.
2. Client’s verbal and non-verbal communication.
3. Communication techniques used by the student.
4. Feelings of the student nurse.
Process Recordings are verbatim recordings (word for word) of verbal and nonverbal
communication that occurred between the nurse and the client. Communication
techniques must be identified as therapeutic or non-therapeutic with the name of the
technique used. For example, “Therapeutic: Reflection,” or “Non-therapeutic: Giving
False Reassurance.” Since the purpose of the assignment is to analyze communication
skills, students are not penalized for the use of non-therapeutic techniques. However,
points will be deducted for incorrect labeling of techniques.
7. Analysis of the Process Recording:
Examine in detail (2-3 paragraphs) the student nurse/client relationship and the effects of
therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication techniques. The analysis section should
include the following:
a. Description of how the following factors influenced the communication process: the
client’s (and students, if applicable) developmental level, gender, social and cultural
background, values, environment, physical and mental/emotional status.
b. Discuss the impact of non-verbal communication such as body language, eye contact,
appearance, and gestures in the conversation. Reflect on the moments of silence that occurred during the conversation and describe your feelings and reactions in the
c. Reflect on your interviewing techniques. Give examples of how your interview
techniques facilitated or hindered obtaining relevant and accurate data during the
health history.
d. Comment on the communication techniques identified in the Process Recording. Did
your use of therapeutic communication techniques help meet the objective of the
conversation? Would other techniques have been more appropriate? How did the non-
therapeutic communication techniques influence the conversation? What would you
say differently?
e. Describe how your interpersonal skills (trust, respect, empathy, etc.) influenced the
development of a therapeutic relationship with the client.
8. Conclusion: include a statement regarding the learning experience and implications for
further learning of therapeutic communication skills.

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