In this assignment, you must demonstrate an understanding of Gross Domestic Prod

In this assignment, you must demonstrate an understanding of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measurement. You are to go to the Bureau of Economic Analysis web page at and report on the most recent Real GDP figures. You are to review the Wall Street Journal or another newspaper to gather evidence and explain the direction of GDP growth (expansion or contraction).
Go to the Bureau of Economic Analysis website at and report the most recent annual rate of Real Gross Domestic Product shown there and state the time frame indicated there. (Quarter and year)
Do research in the Wall Street Journal or another newspaper to determine a possible cause of the direction of GDP growth rate. Explain in your own words if the economy is expanding or contracting, and what the main cause(s) of the expansion or contraction is. (For example – are consumers spending more money? Is the government spending less?) Briefly explain what is driving the change.
Use no quotes or AI generated content. Your answer should be a minimum of 100 words. Include a screen shot of the BEA web page showing the GDP growth rate and a correct citation in APA format for the newspaper used as the basis for your explanation.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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