Hi:) I’m looking for someone who is familiar with the band The Beatles and can c

I’m looking for someone who is familiar with the band The Beatles and can complete a 3 page research paper. Everything you will need to know will be listed. FOLLOW THE PROMPT and answer ALL the questions listed. The paper needs to be 3 pages and must have citations and an image of the band
-Assignment: Paper must be type-written, college-level academic work and submitted in pdf format. Select a remarkable band, or solo artist found on billboard.com that you would like to research for your paper. Present the required data in three pages as shown below in outline format.
Number the items on your paper in the order listed below:
Page One: Short answers
Requirement Material: = 5 points
1. Name of your chosen band, or artist……………….i.e: Elvis Presley
2. Where the band, or artist is from…………….i.e: Memphis, Tennessee
3. List the members – official band members only!………….i.e: Elvis!
4. When the band, or artist formed as a musical entity………i.e: 1954
5. What was/is their most popular/productive period….i.e: 1954-1977
6. Explain briefly why you feel they are remarkable
Page Two:
Research: = 20 points
1. Biography: Short bio in your own words! Do not plagiarize, copy, paste, etc. (between 200 – 300 words)
2. Genre: Include your band/artist’s genre (i.e: specific rock, blues etc.), career
highlights, influences and a general description.
3. One Song: Choose any one charting single from your band/artist that can
be found on www.billboard.com
A. Include the charting rank (i.e: #7) for your chosen single
B. Include the date that the single reached the charting rank
4. Why? Briefly describe why this song appeals to you
5. Photo: Provide a photograph of your band, or artist
6. Commentary: Include a signed piece of critical commentary for your band, or artist. Critical commentary is a one-sentence quote you might see on an album, dvd,
or novel i.e: The Stones’ endurance over the decades shows that
rock ‘n’ roll has its own tradition now, and they embody that
tradition ) — Robert Palmer, NY Times
7. Anecdote: Provide an anecdote (piece of trivia) about your band/artist
i.e: According to Marianne Faithfull, Keith Richards is a better lover
than Mick Jagger (found at songfacts.com, and anecdotage.com)
Page Three:
Bibliography/sources: = 5 points
Official artist/band website URL
Cite URL www.billboard.com/artist…
Books, Biographies, rockhall.com, rollingstone.com, Encyclopedia entries, etc.

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