Examine the 2nd Grade Data Set (in M3S4), then outline a small group mini-lesson

Examine the 2nd Grade Data Set (in M3S4), then outline a small group mini-lesson to remediate missing skills. Please cite your work. (300-500 words).
Number each of the following, include the header, and respond in a short answer format.
Spelling Stage. In what spelling stage are these students?  What is your evidence? Cite the specific Module 3 PPT slide number that shows the stages of spelling.
Strengths. Identify two significant strengths both students demonstrate in spelling. Support your response with specific test data. Ex: Cassie & Marcel demonstrate a significant strength in XX, as evidenced by…
Need. Identify one significant need both student demonstrate in spelling. Support your response with specific test data. Ex: Cassie & Marcel demonstrate a significant need in XX, as evidenced by…
Content Standard. Based on the need you identified, choose one appropriate writing foundations standard that both students need to master and type it out in full. Note: It may be appropriate to use standards from previous grade levels when remediating missing skills.
Learning Target. Unpack the standard to select one highly focused learning target that could be taught in a 15-20 minute small group mini-lesson. Use your preferred format for instructional objectives. Ex: Students will correctly encode phonetically regular, single-syllable words using the “ar” spelling pattern.
Multisensory Strategy. Based on your objective, choose one multisensory strategy from the assigned readings and describe how it could be utilized in your mini-lesson with these 2nd graders. Cite in the required readings where you read about this strategy.
Rationale. Explain why your multisensory strategy would be effective for Cassie & Marcel.
Word Count. Type your word count. Revise if your word count is not 300-500 words.

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