Each student will select an organization from ‘Forbes 2022 Top 100 Charities’ (m

Each student will select an organization from ‘Forbes 2022 Top 100 Charities’ (must be preapproved/no duplicates in class).
Research papers will be organized to report on the founding, history, work, accomplishments, and goals of the organization. The website for the organization should be only one of the sources used for this paper.
This is not a persuasive paper but is fact-reporting only. Student opinion regarding the work/mission of the organization is irrelevant to this paper/speech and should not be indicated at any time.
Papers will be no more than five pages, not including the cover page and reference page (so no more than seven pages total).
This paper must be in 12-point font and double-spaced. One-inch margins are required on all borders.
Each paragraph will have an appropriate heading.
Direct quotes are not permitted in this paper.
APA format is required. Specific guidelines will be reviewed in class.
At least five reputable sources are required; one source must be the website for the selected charity, and one source must be a scholarly/academic source that refers to a statistic related to the topic.
The next several classes will be dedicated to understanding, organizing, researching, and writing (partially) this paper. You are responsible for all information presented in class (I will continue to send daily summaries, but cannot reteach all that is discussed in class. Please ask someone to take notes if you will not be present).

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