Diversity and Discrimination Assignment Objective Understand and analyze the leg

Diversity and Discrimination Assignment
Understand and analyze the legal consequences of discriminatory conduct and the role of the EEOC
Assignment Overview
In this case study and writing assignment, you argue whether the EEOC should proceed to file a discrimination lawsuit against a federal agency for gender discrimination
PLEASE READ THE COURSE SYLLABUS SECTION CONCERNING ASSIGNMENTS AND THE GRADING RUBRIC BELOW TO MAXIMIZE POINTS. Submit ONE, two-to-three page (minimum 250 word), double spaced, Word document in Times New Roman, font size 12. Please make sure your response complies with the MLA format. See owl.purdue.edu. Please review the Student Writing Guide and Plagiarism presentation within the same Module as this assignment. If
you are uncertain concerning the proper method for using quotation marks or citing sources, please
review these USF Library tutorials. guides.lib.usf.edu/c.php?g=451607&p=4980659
As stated in the syllabus, use of generative artificial intelligence such as Chat GPT is prohibited.
Step 1 Research
Closely review the discrimination laws in Chapter 30 of your textbook paying particular attention to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the gender discrimination discussion and do any additional research you believe necessary.
Step 2 Assume and Analyze these Facts
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is our Nation’s premier law enforcement agency and often conducts highly dangerous operations and arrests of armed and dangerous criminals and terrorists. Each FBI field office has a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team comprised of FBI Special Agents with enhanced training and equipment to safely execute dangerous missions. All FBI Special Agents must pass a physical fitness test (PFT) to graduate from the FBI Academy. However, FBI SWAT teams have a more rigorous physical fitness tests (PFT) which must be passed annually. The FBI SWAT PFT requires all applicants and members to perform three “dead hang” pull ups while wearing a full operational load of 40 lbs. to simulate the ability to pull oneself over a high wall wearing required SWAT gear. Historical data collected by the FBI over the past ten years reveals that 75% of male applicants/members pass this test on first try annually whereas only 20% of female applicants/members pass this test on first try annually.
Step 3 Write a Legal Argument
Assume you are a junior attorney working for the EEOC. In a minimum 250-word (double spaced Word document) original paper, summarize the results of your analysis of the facts and law and give your reasoned opinion to your supervisor whether the EEOC should file a lawsuit for gender discrimination against the FBI and what remedies or relief the EEOC should seek. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!

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