Directions:In this discussion, you are going to use the Relational Dialectics Th

Directions:In this discussion, you are going to use the Relational Dialectics Theory to see what types of relational tensions are present in some of your relationships.
Select a personal relationship, such as a romantic partner, a friend, or a family member to use for the discussion. For your initial post, state what type of relationship you are describing, and then respond to each of the following questions with a minimum 4-sentence answer. Be sure to include examples to describe each of the tensions in your relationship.
Describe the autonomy/connection tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
Describe the closedness/openness tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
Describe the novelty/predictability tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
For your response to another student’s post, compare and contrast their answers to your answers. Try to find similarities and differences to see how each relationship is unique.
classmate Kristina Palmer
13 hours ago, at 12:03 AM
NEWI chose my relationship with my boyfriend for this discussion.
Describe the autonomy/connection tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
We spend most off our free time chasing our children around but when we do get free time its usually watching movies together or hes playing video games while I am reading a book or doing school work.
Describe the closedness/openness tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
This is the biggest tension in our relationship because he will share everything and wants me to as well where mostly due to not so great past relationships I dont feel the need to share everything. It annoys him that I am not more open to sharing how im feeling and what my thoughts are.
Describe the novelty/predictability tension within your relationship, which one is the norm?
We definetly fall more under predictability but alot of that has to do with having his 3 year old and 8 month old every other weekend and my 4 year old all the time its a whole lot easier to have a routine but our novelty which I will always charish is when he asks one of my family or friends to watch my son so we can go out to dinner or spend the morning hunting.
Part 2
Course Project – Rough Draft
In a 4-page paper, written in APA format using appropriate spelling/grammar, address the items below.
1.View the movie you selected and find 4 concepts that you have learned about either from the following list or that you have found within the readings and lessons each week. The list below is not exhaustive but can help you to pick some concepts from the different topics we have discussed in the course. You can pick any concept with a definition from the course material or textbook to apply to your movie.Culture
Dominant Culture
High or Low Context Culture
High or Low Power Distance
Perception checking
Selective attention
The Self
Comprehensive Listening
Evaluative Listening
Empathic Listening
Appreciative Listening
Verbal Messages
Static Evaluation
Nonverbal Messages
Eye Contact
4 Zones of space
Emotional Messages
2.Identify at least 4 scenes from the movie that feature different elements of communication. For instance, if the characters in the movie started a relationship and clearly showed the initiating stage of relationships, you could choose that element to define and describe how it was portrayed in the scene.
For each scene:Properly cite the definition of the communication element that is featured.
Describe the character interactions and how they portray the communication element.
Demonstrate your understanding of the communication element by analyzing how the character’s interactions portray the communication element. Be sure to include your own insight and thoughts.
3.Include quotes from at least 3 credible resources into your analysis. Be sure to include APA formatted in-text citations and References for your resources.
For information about assessing the credibility of resources, consult the resources below.Writing Guide
How do I know if a source is credible?
APA Guide
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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